Monday, September 12, 2011


I hope you have all had a great summer! As school starts to kick off it is also time to start off your new FCCLA year at the chapter and regional level. Get started by holding a meeting with your chapter officers and plan for the year. Set goals you would like to achieve and make plans to meet them. Create a fun activity to bring new members to your chapters, encourage any and all to join. I hope to see you all at November Summit this year, which has been shortened to one day because of cluster meeting that is in Minneapolis this year. Come and represent Minnesota at our cluster meeting after November Summit! Minnesota does not always get the chance to host a cluster meeting so don't miss out. I'm sure we are all excited for region meetings to be starting up as well. Make sure to check with your region officers to find out how your chapter can win the Youth at It's Best Award, which will be given out to one chapter from each region. Submitted by: MN FCCLA Secretary Bryce Weets.

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